In Memoriam
Leonard J. Salvatore, 1930-2022

RAC is sad to announce the passing of longtime Club member and former Board Member Len Salvatore last November at the age of 92.

Len and his wife Audrey, who predeceased him, were longtime members of RAC and were active in virtually all RAC events for over 20 years from 1995 to 2015. NEAF, Kid's Fair, Summer Star Party — Len and Audrey were always there.

Len could often be found in the daytime with a solar scope and at night he would break out the larger scopes. Len and Audrey were also a fixture at club presentations to schools, Boy & Girl Scouts, and other local gatherings, where they showed youngsters and adults the wonders of the night sky.

Len Salvatore, like his wife, will be greatly missed. We extend our sympathies to all the members of his extended family. You will NEVER be forgotten.

More on Len Salvatore's life here:
Len Salvatore Official Obituary >

RAC Board of Directors

RAC Board of Directors >

Len Salvatore (in yellow) interacting with visitors at RAC's Childrens Space & Astronomy Fair (CSAF), and below with his beloved wife, Audrey. Bottom: Len in full glory at Summer Star Party.